Wednesday 11 March 2009

Life in Plastic, is it really fantastic?

There is so much more we can do to ourselves these days beyond putting on make-up everyday.  Not only are there billions of products that plump, smooth, exfoliate and prepare our faces before we apply our face paint but there are plenty of more permanent fixes available.  Please forgive this post if it seems a little of the point, I promise you you'll see the relevance.

TODAY - I have been reading the beauty section in April's ELLE magazine.  On page 247 (check it out if you have it) there is an article called 'Lipo: Is this a step to far?'  It's not a particularly long piece but it's thought provoking and I have spent a large part of the rest of today considering how far I would go in the quest to look good.

The article is written by Avril Mair who describes her experience of getting a the new 'wide-awake liposuction'.  She describes how she hates her chin and how this new Vaser Liposuction as it's formally known is the 'latest and most promising development in this endless quest for far removal'.  As the article goes on, in turns out that she ended up being in a lot of pain with a red scar on her neck which she claims, to my astonishment is worth it.  Even while the swelling is still apparent, at the end of the article she states her neck has been 'tightened, perhaps even transformed.'  She the goes on to say that it will take another month for her to be sure... I'm frankly astonished.

What a joke, the woman's face hasn't even healed and she's convinced that a transformation has taken place.  Don't get me wrong, I'm not against plastic surgery at all, I'm sure it boosts confidence and raises self esteem.  I am however against glamourising surgical procedures being carried out on the face where a bit of make-up know how but have worked wonders.  I understand this woman had a complex about her neck but she failed to weigh up the alternatives and although (credit where credit's due) she did outline the dangers I think overall she depicted a much rosier picture than reality.

We all have insecurities, many of us about our faces but plastic surgery does not need to be the answer and shout not be viewed as a quick fix.  Make-up is a wonderful thing.  There are many tips and tricks to be discovered, a nose can be thinned, a jaw line can be softened even your skin can be transformed with a little know-how and research.


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