I have been thinking about myself in the past and have come to the conclusion that as far as I am concerned it may well be true. I'm quite guilty of going to a party without making enough effort and ending up bleary eyed with smudged make-up. Note to self: Cheer up before making-up!
TODAY - I woke up at a reasonable time, did not get ready in a rush and was in quite a good mood owing to the fact that it was a beautiful day and my friend was due to move into my flat with me.
I was a little disappointed to see two brand new spots staring me in the face when I looked in the mirror so this probably had an impact on the thick layer of foundation that was applied. The beautiful sunshine outside meant I dressed rather spring like today and my girlie make-up reflected this. The outcome today was, bright day, bright mood = pink, girlie, up-beat make-up.
A FEW WEEKS AGO - The story was not so happy. I was going through a particularly miserable time feeling unwell with a chesty cough, and run down with a lot of spots (spots are something I suffer badly with by the way, although I'm quite good at covering them). My make-up that week was a true reflection of my mood each morning, dark and slap-dash. Although I'm not the kind of person to be moody I think my mood is evident in my make-up and it certainly has an impact on what I do to my face in the morning.
I've been observing members of the public and have noticed a trend. Precise make-up if often worn by people that seem up-beat and content. Thick make-up (during the day) is often worn by those who have something to hide and make up that looks a little careless is probably the result of getting out of the wrong side of the bed.
My advice is fight the mood swings and apply your make-up as if you're in the best mood possible, you never know, your glowing face might just turn that bad mood into a good one!
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