Saturday, 21 February 2009

Lipstick: Is Black Back?

TODAY:  I was strolling along a busy street, taking in the watery February sun when a group of fourteen to fifteen year-olds walking towards me caught my eye.  The only way I can describe them was 'emo' although this is a term I'm reluctant to use as I have many 'emo' friends all of whom are clean, upbeat and in a quirky way quite fashionable.

This particular group of youths were not only what I would consider to be unclean they seemed to be relishing in their own misery and to be honest it's no surprise.

I cannot say that dressing head to toe in black and wearing thick dark make-up will make you miserable because anyone that knows you will tell you that I dress in such a manner on a daily basis.  There is however, a limit.

I cannot see the need for BLACK LIPSTICK on a fourteen year old in the middle of the day.  Nor do I see the need for THICK BLACK EYE SHADOW caked on in a panda like fashion right up to the eye-brow.

As I studied them I considered it ironic, here I was thinking this when in fact earlier at breakfast I read how dark lipstick is very 'in this season' having made a huge come back last week at New York Fashion Week.

Each to their own I suppose, at least they're on trend even if they do need a few tips on application.


1 comment:

  1. I actually like black lipstick, although I agree that it doesn't look really good in fourteen year old's. But then, I don't really find aproppiate make up for that age.

    But specially when you're wearing a gothic-emo look, I think that black lipstick suits with the rest of the style.
