Thursday, 26 February 2009

Lip Gloss Bitches

Two nights ago I went out with some close friends to Bouji in South Kensington.  It's not my usual scene but I'm open minded and had a really good night.

One thing caught my eye though, Bouji is one of those clubs where a certain type of person goes (we actually saw prince Harry), the girls all have big blonde hair, very orange tans and more money than sense (thanks to Daddy!)

I wouldn't have even have given these girls a second look but I began to notice every time  went to the toilet the same group of three were standing in there, smearing on lipgloss, pouting in the mirror and bitching about the people they had come with!

I just could not believe it, these girls were in there all of the SEVEN times I went to the toilet over a four hour time period.  I'm the first to admit that I wear a lot of make-up but these girls were taking it to a whole new level.  I couldn't even get to the sink to wash my hands for fear of getting a dirty look, it was just awful.  The worst part of it was, underneath all the fake tan and foundation these girls were probably very pretty. 

This is such a perfect example of using make-up to cover up insecurities.  It's such a shame, make-up does give you confidence but you have to be comfortable with who you are to feel secure.  Spending your night out staring in the mirror won't miraculously change your face.


Monday, 23 February 2009

Mascara Mysteries

A friend of mine always has the most beautifully applied mascara.  Her lashes are long, curvaceous and the thickest I've ever seen. 

I always think mascara must be the one thing most girls would take with them if they were only allowed one item on a dessert island.  It's that staple piece that all of us have i our make up bags, for some women out there it's the only piece.

So, are you using the best mascara?  And what does your Mascara say about you.

I'm a 'layer it on' kind of girl, the thicker the better in my opinion.  Thick long eyelashes say feminine like nothing else.  I always thought this was the only way to wear it as I'm of the opinion if you're applying something to you're face why not let everyone know!  Today my smokey made-up eyes were opened to the natural look.

TODAY -  I was waiting in the car for my Mum while she was in a shop, I saw a woman coming walking with her toddler, she must have been in about her early thirties.  She had an enviously dark tan (why do people who have just been on holiday feel they have to wear a white t-shirt upon returning home... it's not summer here for at least four months!)  Her face was golden and her hair naturally highlighted, her eyes a piercing blue, beautifully complimented by the softest stroke of natural looking mascara.  A perfect example of how often, with the right mascara, lashings are not required.  Less can sometimes (I hate to admit) be more.  Perfect example being Heidi Klum.

I'll let you into a little secret, it is often said that YSL is the best mascara... You'll see it's not if you try Clarins.

Check out this month's ELLE page 307 for this season's hottest make-up trend:  Coloured Mascara.


Saturday, 21 February 2009

Lipstick: Is Black Back?

TODAY:  I was strolling along a busy street, taking in the watery February sun when a group of fourteen to fifteen year-olds walking towards me caught my eye.  The only way I can describe them was 'emo' although this is a term I'm reluctant to use as I have many 'emo' friends all of whom are clean, upbeat and in a quirky way quite fashionable.

This particular group of youths were not only what I would consider to be unclean they seemed to be relishing in their own misery and to be honest it's no surprise.

I cannot say that dressing head to toe in black and wearing thick dark make-up will make you miserable because anyone that knows you will tell you that I dress in such a manner on a daily basis.  There is however, a limit.

I cannot see the need for BLACK LIPSTICK on a fourteen year old in the middle of the day.  Nor do I see the need for THICK BLACK EYE SHADOW caked on in a panda like fashion right up to the eye-brow.

As I studied them I considered it ironic, here I was thinking this when in fact earlier at breakfast I read how dark lipstick is very 'in this season' having made a huge come back last week at New York Fashion Week.

Each to their own I suppose, at least they're on trend even if they do need a few tips on application.


Friday, 20 February 2009

All that Glitters at the Britters

On Wednesday I found myself, like every year, watching the Brit Awards.  Just like every year in the past the show wasn't particularly amazing however I watched on none the less.

It was not a total waste of two hours though because five girls in particular brought a smile to my face, Girls Aloud.

They are everything women in their twenties should aspire to be, successful, energetic, positive and above all confident.  All you have to do is look at them to see that they are glowing with confidence.

I realise that we are not all pop stars and that they are to some extent a p
roduct of great publicity as well as 24 hour hair and make-up styling but one the less, their beautiful looks and fantastic make-up is not totally out of reach to us mere mortals.

Take Cheryl as an example, hailed as the nations sweetheart, her girl next door look and down to earth persona is simply a result of careful styling.  

Her use of lashings of mascara really open her eyes.  Teamed with the soft kohl eyeliner she uses this gives Cheryl her wide eyed appeal which melts the hearts of the population everytime she appears.

So, for the warm hearted appeal of Cheryl Cole buy yourself a good Mascara (I recommend YSL or Clarins) and a soft kohl eyeliner.

A bit of Kohl for your eyes, a bit of Cole for your heart.

Wednesday, 18 February 2009

An interesting fact for you...

I have just had an interesting conversation with a friend of mine.  We speak everyday at regular intervals, she's a fashion design student and I find her outbursts of general knowledge very intriguing, here's one fact she shared with me today...

"Did you know, that when the economy is at a low make-up sales increase?" I pondered this and she went on, "People don't have enough money to buy new clothes so they opt for something cheaper like a lipstick".

On reflection of this I can certainly believe it, how many of us have no money but go window shopping anyway?  I know more often than not a new piece of face paint certainly cheers me up and often it wasn't an intentional purchase!

So, in middle of the doom and gloom of the credit crunch why shouldn't we cheer ourselves up?If it makes the British public momentarily happier then GO AND BUY A LIPGLOSS!


Tuesday, 17 February 2009

The Eyes - the window to your soul?

I think you can tell a lot from someone's eyes... you may disagree. 

Think about having a conversation with somebody, what do you look at?  Unless you are a man in which case you may well be looking at the breasts, the likeliness is you're looking into someone's eyes.  

You might be having a total emotional breakdown and covering it up with an oscar-worthy performance to those around you.  However, if anyone takes a minute and looks you straight in the eyes, they'll see it and you'll probably crack.

So, the eyes being such a focal point it is no wonder many of us spend hours making them look their best!

TODAY - I was waiting in the queue at the checkout in Waitrose when I glanced at the woman behind me, she was looking down at her magazine while she waited, giving me the opportunity to examine her beautifully applied liquid eyeliner.  My goodness what a sight!  Liquid eyeliner is one of those mediums we all play around with but many of us never master.  This woman was a master of the art.  
(NB: please do not think of Amy Winehouse's liquid eyeliner disaster!).

Her fresh dewey complexion required little make up anyway but this hint of boldness in her choice of eye make-up spoke a thousand words.  The presison of her application was evidence of I what I can only presume to be a confident personality (and a very steady hand).
As I packed the last of my shopping I glanced up at her taking in her naturally open hazel eyes and though to myself "Thank god for women like you".  My pre-conceived thoughts were confirmed as she engaged in happy up-beat chit chat with the cashier.


What does your make-up say about you?

I've always looked at other women in an inquisitive way... It is not that I am jealous nor am I insecure, it is just that I am one of life's fascinated observers.  In particular I just love to observe and consider (if not scrutinize!!) the way women present themselves.

As much as I adore checking out another girls clothes and handbag what really does it for me is the MAKE-UP...

You cannot pretend you don't see a girl once in a while and think "what were you thinking this morning" in the same way you can't help but stare when faced with someone with such beautifully applied mascara that you find yourself wondering if they are false eyelashes.

I find myself constantly thinking the same thing "what is she trying to tell the world?"  Because let's face it girls, our make up says something about us, it might be that a little foundation is simply helping you lie to the world, that you are not struggling after that second bottle of wine last night or that your blood red lipstick is telling your co-workers that, yes you are a woman, and yes, you are a sex symbol but your simple flick of black liquid eyeliner shows you still mean business... who says you can't have it all?!

The truth is, we're all making a statement through the war paint we spend hours applying but the image we might think we're portraying might not be the one being perceived.

Think you're getting it right? I'll keep you posted....